myHealthSciences Weekly
Hi, I’m Brandon Zerbe. Each week I share habits for health excellence.
75 episodes
Is the Fasting Mimicking Diet Worth It?
What is the Fasting Mimicking Diet? Is its extreme caloric restriction healthy? And how has reviewing the scientific literature flipped my thoughts on doing it again? Well, let’s get into it!Watch ...
Episode 75

These Diet Tweaks Accelerate Fat Loss
What are they? Do they actually work? And how much weight could you lose following them? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 74

This Posture Routine Fixed My Ankles and Feet
What causes poor ankle and foot posture? Can corrective exercises fix it? And what exercises can you do to prevent issues like these? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 73

Carnivore Diet Reviewed: Benefits, Risks, and My Take
What is the carnivore diet? How does it work? And why do I avoid it? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 72

The Optimal Daily Meal Plan
What’s the optimal breakfast? How do I plan lunches for nutrient density? And what does a full day of eating look like? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 71

This Posture Routine Fixed My Hips and Back
What causes poor hip and back posture? Can corrective exercises fix it? And what exercises can you do to prevent issues like mine? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 70

Optimal BMI is Different Than You Think
Why are current BMI recommendations unsatisfactory? What is the optimal BMI? And are there better metrics to reach these goals? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 69

This Posture Routine Fixed My Neck and Shoulders
What causes poor upper body posture? Can a corrective exercise routine fix it? And what exercises can you do to prevent issues like mine? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube<...
Episode 68

Optimal Eye Health Routine Got Me 20/20 Vision
Why are we losing our vision to myopia? Can our vision impairments be reversed? And what lifestyle routines promote optimal eye health? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 67

Optimal Daily Intake of Berries – Absurdly Healthy
What is the optimal intake of berries? What makes them so healthy? And can you eat too many? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 66

Has Oura Ring Gen 3 Improved My Sleep?
Why’d I get an Oura Ring? How accurate are the metrics it tracks? And how has it affected my sleep quality? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 65

I Got Fooled by Framing Effects
I’m going to walk you through these five questions today so you can understand key decision-making principles. That way you won’t fall into the same traps I did. Let’s get into it!Watch the Video o...
Episode 64

Optimal Level of Physical Activity. Are You Even Close?
What amount of exercise is optimal? How have my thoughts shifted? And are you even close to the new recommendation? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the Video on YouTube
Episode 63

I Finished 4 Months of Daniel’s VDOT Running Plan
Now four months into the program, and I haven’t missed a single run. What’s the program been like? Am I making any progress? And will I ever break my dad’s 5k PR? Well, let’s get into it!Watch the ...
Episode 62

I Ran 1,000 Miles Injury-Free
I went from beat down and injured to running 1,000 miles injury-free. I wasn’t sure this was possible. I felt defeated last summer after hamstring and groin injuries halted my training. Shin splints didn’t help. This year I feel completely diff...
Episode 61

My Resting Heart Rate is Plummeting
My resting heart rate has dropped nearly 10 beats per minute in 9 months. It’s plummeting. At this pace, it’ll be at zero in a few years. It appears I’m dying. Can resting heart rate predict life expectancy? What’s been causing mine to drop so ...
Episode 60

How Humans are Designed to Eat
How humans eat today is incomparable to the diets of our ancestors. It’s astonishing. We weren’t designed to consume hyperpalatable foods. Our meals didn’t terminate after ten minutes. And the variety was limited. Here I’m going to detail how h...
Episode 59

Why You Can’t Stop Eating
Today we have an opportunity unlike any other in history to eat the healthiest, most robust, nutrient-dense diet ever. The variety of whole foods available is unprecedented. Nutrition research is the most advanced. And yet we can’t help but get...
Episode 58

I Wore the Same Shirt for 90 Days
I simplified my closet. Gone was my reputation at work for bright collars. But what also fleeted was the cognitive, financial, and time-consuming costs. It was unbelievably easy. Here I’ll tell you why we should all consider simplification. Let...
Episode 57

I Lost $75,000 in Stocks. Now What?
I went from gaining 30% per year on my investments to losing $75,000 in 6 months. It wasn't easy. I've invested every paycheck into the stock market for months, yet my net worth is somehow lower now than it was a year ago. What's happening? Why...
Episode 56

I Bought a Rower... Should You?
I bought a rower at the beginning of the year as a substitute for my running sessions when it was too snowy out. Now I use it every week. I love it. And I wonder if everyone should be rowing. How do I use it? What's so great about rowing? And h...
Episode 55

Secrets Healthy Restaurants Don't Want You to Know
Even the healthiest restaurants fail to meet national nutrition guidelines. Their secrets drive up palatability while reducing food costs and consumer health. I still can't believe more people don't know about this. What are their secrets? How ...
Episode 54

The Day I Prioritized Sleep Hygiene
My sleep quality was awful, and I didn't even realize it. It took me years of behavioral and environmental tweaks to fix it. Now I sleep like a baby. One that doesn't wake up at night. Or cry or poop their pants. Today I'm going to walk you thr...
Episode 53

I Memorized All 197 Countries With 3 Simple Tactics
In one month, I memorized all 197 countries on earth using three simple tactics. On average, I practiced for ten minutes a day. It started out because it was fun. I then realized it provided context to world events. And now, I realize I'm build...
Episode 52